Sunday, December 2, 2012

Upcoming Workshops in Reading, MA

Monday, December 3, 2012 at 7:00 PM Reading Memorial High School Endslow Performing Arts Center.
 62 Oakland Rd, Reading, MA
 01857 Nationally recognized ADD expert, Dr. Ned Hallowell, will speak in Reading about Finding The Buried Treasure in ADD and Other Learning Disabilities.
Monday, DECEMBER 3
at 7:00 PM. 
Doors open at 6:30.
Dr. Hallowell's goal is to help people master the power of ADD while avoiding its pitfalls. 
 Admission is $10 pp/$15 per family, and includes a raffle ticket for a private 30-minute consult with Dr. Hallowell in his Sudbury office, a $450 value. 
 Hosted by Understanding Disabilities
This program is supported by grants from the Harpley Foundation, the Reading Education Foundation, and a private donor. *********************************************************************** Wednesday, December 5, 2012 at 7:00 PM Walter S. Parker Middle School Auditorium 45 Temple St., Reading, MA 01857 Presenter: Sarah Ward MS, CCC/SLP Director of the Center of Executive Function Skill Development, Lincoln, MA Back by Popular Demand…This presentation was attended by over 200 people last May and received high reviews. This not to be missed workshop remains free to all parents thanks to the generosity of the Lynnfield and Reading Special Education Departments. • Does your child complete his/her homework and forget to turn it in? • Do you find yourself driving back to school to pick up a book or work your child forgot to bring home? • Do you find yourself saying, "If my child could be more organized, life would be so much easier for him/her?" Then come join an encore presentation of Practical Executive Function Strategies for Home and School Learn strategies to teach your child to efficiently manage his/her own tasks, time, space and materials (while keeping emotions in check!) Sarah Ward, an award winning, national expert on Executive Function Skills, will present a two-hour workshop for parents to teach children the skills of goal setting, carrying out organized steps and modifying a plan to complete a task successfully! Participants will learn how to help students of all ages to initiate, persist and pace themselves, even if the task is difficult or boring. She will provide everyday strategies to help students learn to estimate time for tasks, sense the passage of time and break down the steps for nightly homework and long term projects. Sarah Ward Please feel free to contact the Reading PAC via email at: for additional info.