Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dec. 7th Meeting Minutes

Georgetown SEPAC - Special Education Parent Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes, December 7, 2010
Welcome to the PAC: An informal Meet & Greet between parents and special education school personnel. Key Speaker: Mr. David Dempsey, Director of Special Education.

School Personnel Attendees: David Dempsey, Eileen Lee, Kim Leonard, Jan Downing, Amy Gusso, Jamie Hansen, Audrey Proctor, Beth Greenhagen, Donna Tanner, Carol Jacobs. Several parents were also present.

Agenda topics included staff and parent introductions, the school district’s philosophy for special education, new program development, DESE (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) Program Review – results and recommendations, parent questions and ideas for future PAC activity.

Pam Lundquist opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and introduced herself as the new SEPAC Chairperson. “I’m excited about the opportunities our organization has to reach out to special education parents, to get to know them and their children, and to serve as supportive network. Parents are the most powerful advocates our children with special needs have, and we can be more effective working together, with each other, with the schools, than alone.” Mrs. Lundquist offered to assume the chairperson position when the previous chairperson, Lisa Woodford, found her career successfully growing in a way that prevented her from devoting as much time as she wanted to the Georgetown SEPAC.

“I have been involved with the Georgetown SEPAC for several years, and especially enjoy getting to know other member parents. The children in particular benefit when parents reach out to each other, sharing their experience and hope. We plan to produce a collaborative SEPAC/Special Education newsletter to give parents tools and strategies to effectively support their children. Also, this is a great time to get involved in SEPAC because special education programs are now being improved and developed by our schools. Some programs are new, some have been in existence for a while, but all can benefit from parental input, ideas and feedback through the Georgetown SEPAC. With greater open dialog between the SEPAC, the school district and all parents, special education program quality is sure to grow. Stronger connections and relationships among all concerned can result in powerful improvements.” Mrs. Lundquist said.

Mr. David Dempsey, Georgetown’s Director of Special Education, agrees. “This is an exciting time for Special Education in Georgetown, because we have been developing several new programs, improving others, and bringing greater consistency to our best practices and comprehensive approaches district-wide. Our programs strive to incorporate cutting-edge components used by well-respected schools in special education, such as Melmark and Landmark. We hope that our new in-house programs will bring a higher level of specialized design instruction to all of our Georgetown students who need it, and share effective teaching practices and accommodations throughout our regular education system to help all students.

Our Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Program includes pre-K-12th, with Lifeskills at the High School, and the Compass Program at the Middle School. Program components include highly structured, individualized programming, intensive communication and language training, social skills training. Instructional strategies are based on direct data and positive reinforcement, as part of our Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) approach, a renowned and effective system of autism treatment. This summer 14 of our staff members were trained at Melmark, one of the leading schools in Autism. Beth Greenhagen, our (board-certified) Behavioral Analyst, helps to write our program curriculum. Other communities are taking notice of this program and we have had inquiries about choicing in students.

Our Language Based Program (LBP), which is also a comprehensive Pre-K through 12th grade program, is a new initiative this year. This program addresses the needs of students with moderate to severe language learning disabilities. Thirteen of our staff members were trained for the program at The Landmark School this summer. Our LBP is primarily an inclusion program built around Special Designed Instruction (SDI). We are adopting best practices for this program which have already been very successful in other districts. A self-esteem and self-advocacy component is also an integral part of the program. Curriculum is designed to parallel the regular education curriculum but is modified to meet the individual needs of the students. A big push is encouraging the use of language-based strategies that will help all students in regular education classes.

A new Social-Emotional Program has been implemented at both the middle school and the high school, to serve those special education students exhibiting high anxiety, depression, social adjustment difficulties, or other social-emotional problems that impede their learning. It attempts to create a safe environment so that students can experience success both academically and social-emotionally, with the goal of becoming integrated, responsible members of the school community. Our new school psychologist, Dr. Troy Carr, has been instrumental in developing this program, and he does work directly with students as part of it.

Each school district and charter school in the Commonwealth is scheduled to receive a Coordinated Program Review every six years and a mid-cycle special education follow-up visit three years after the Coordinated Program Review. Georgetown’s 2010 DESE Program Review yielded interesting results that will greatly help us with our new program development. Out of 59 criterion, we were cited on 15, all of which were “partially implemented.” Both staff members and parents were interviewed for the review, and files and practices were looked at going back for six years.

DESE Program Review reports are available for every public school district, including Georgetown, on .

One of our biggest issues cited was that in some cases we were using “cookie-cutter” student assessments. This occurred at times because the outside consultants we used were not able to access student history in such way as to be able to select the most appropriate assessments for our students. It was partly in response to this that our schools have brought in Dr. Troy Carr as our district Psychologist, as he is very experienced at selecting, conducting and interpreting student assessment instruments.

Another issue we were cited on was a deficiency in presenting student history. Up until recently, every school was recording student data in their own way, some more completely than others. We are now working hard to develop a district-wide process, using teacher data teams to collaborate on new methods of student data collection.

We are also looking to bring together a district-wide pre-referral process, which all of our schools will have in common. Much of this is already in place, utilizing Student Assessment Teams (SATs) that come together when a student is observed as seriously struggling with something. The team will consist of all relevant staff members, including the student’s regular education teachers, guidance counselors and any relevant specialists. Parents are notified, or perhaps parents may call for a team to come together. The SAT evaluates the student’s difficulties with data and observations, and then works to come up with strategies, accommodations, and interventions to help. The SAT will make use of our District Accommodation Plan (DAP), which helps administrators identify appropriate accommodations or classroom strategies to solve the problem. Ultimately, whether or not the child ends up with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), we will have strengthened our understanding and assessment of the child’s educational needs. Not every child with a difficulty or disability qualifies or would benefit from an IEP. And not every difficulty is caused by a disability.

We want every child to succeed. All of our programs and interventions are aimed at finding ways to teach skills and strategies that will help our students be successful,
independent learners in school. Our goal is to teach students strategies that will help them to learn, to understand what academic tools and skills work best for them, and to advocate for themselves. All of the students, regular and special education students are our children, and we are here to help and support them all,” noted Mr. Dempsey.

A schedule of Georgetown PAC meetings over the coming year was distributed; it includes one meeting each month, featuring an Advocate Roundtable, a meeting focused in-depth on special education programs and procedures of interest within our schools, An IEP for my child, a Parents Rights Workshop and IDEA 2004, and a workshop held by our school psychologist, Dr. Troy Carr, to explain his role, various assessments, how data drives educational focus, and our new social-emotional programs for special education.

Future 2011 dates include the 2nd Tuesday nights of each month: January 11th, Feb 8th, March 8th, April 12th, May 10th, June 14th.

The SEPAC’s next meeting is scheduled for January 11, 2011, and, depending on attendance, will include spagetti dinner made by Georgetown students. A more in-depth look at programs and services of specific interest to attendees, such as district accommodation plans, parent advisory committees for specific programs, and pre-referral procedures will be featured. “We hope to include all parents looking to become powerful advocates for their children at SEPAC meetings in the future. Please come next month and see how much you can learn about how to help your children thrive and succeed in our schools. More specific information about future events will be coming out, but you can always find it at, said Mrs. Lundquist.

New 2011 SEPAC Meeting Dates

Future 2011 dates include the 2nd Tuesday nights of each month: January 11th, Feb 8th, March 8th, April 12th, May 10th, June 14th.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Cutting Edge: What’s new in the world of Special Education Research?

Find out (from the US Department of Education) at: - Doing What Works – Research-based Education Practices Online - Doing What Works (DWW) is a website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. The goal of DWW is to create an online library of resources that may help teachers, schools, districts, states and technical assistance providers implement research-based instructional practice. - What Works Clearinghouse – US Department of Education –A central and trusted source of scientific evidence for what works in education, latest research studies. - National Center on Response to Intervention (RTI), US Office of Special Education Programs, presentations on strategies for assessment & interventions.

Georgetown PAC 2011 Meeting Schedule (tentative)

January 11, 2011 –
• Perley & Penn Brook Parents
o Pizza
o In depth program profile, modifications & accommodations
• Middle School and High School Parents
o Spagetti Dinner prepared by students
o In depth program profile, modifications & accommodations

February 8, 2011– Parents Rights Workshop and IDEA 2004
Referral, Evaluation, Timelines, Eligibility, IEP Development, Conflict Resolution Options

March 12, 2011 – An IEP for my child – Federation for Children with Special needs
- IEP & the General Curriculum
- Filling out each section of the IEP
- Accountability for progress
- Progress reporting

April 8, 2011 – Advocate Roundtable- The Role of an Advocate – Sue Terzakis
- Educates parents on resources, rights, processes
- Helps parents to make understand the evaluation process/testing
- IEP assistance/educational plan development
- Resolves conflicts & build positive relationships bet. Parents & schools

May 10, 2011 – Dr. Troy Carr, Psychologist
Role of a school psychologist and information on the assessment process, the importance of selecting the right tests. Social-emotional services, interventions and accommodations.

June 14, 2011 – Our Final Meeting & Staff Appreciation
- Introductions
o Staff, past experience, qualifications, current position/role
- Philosophy/Vision for Special Education Programs
- Program Development
o Where we have been, Where we are, Where we are going
- Communication
- Parent introductions/questions
- Parent Ideas for PAC

Monday, December 6, 2010

What is being a special parent like (an old favorite)?


c1987 by Emily Perl Kingsley. All rights reserved (Thank you for understanding, Emily!:) )

I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability - to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It's like this......

When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.

After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland."

"Holland?!?" you say. "What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy."
But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.

The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place.

So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.

It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.

But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy... and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned."

And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away... because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss. But... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland.

Best Picks for MA SEPAC Websites...great sources of info!

Other Special Ed Advisory Council Websites with lots of great information! - Acton-Boxborough Special Education Parent Advisory Council - Andover SEPAC - Brookline SEPAC - Concord SEPAC - Alphabetical listing--117 Mass SPED PAC sites - Cohasset Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) - Lexington SEPAC - Massachusetts Association of Special Education Parent Advisory Councils - Sharon Special Education Parents Advisory Council (SEPAC) - WestonPAC for Special Education - Winchester Special Education Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

A Parent Guide to Executive Function: Facts and Solutions

Wondering what Executive Function...deficits?....are all about?
See this amazing presentation from the Weston PAC, answers a lot of questions!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Georgetown SEPAC Brochure

Georgetown Special Education Parents Advisory Council (SEPAC)
Supporting the Community – visit us at

Welcome to the PAC!

Our mission: The Georgetown PAC serves as a resource and advisor to parents of children with special needs in Georgetown. We are dedicated to helping parents to take actions that will effectively benefit their children. We reach that goal by holding regular educational meetings or workshops on a variety of topics and by networking with each other. We also work closely with the Georgetown School District to identify areas of need and advise on how to improve the special education programs and services our children rely on. We act in an advisory role to the School Committee regarding Special Education issues.

Who we are: As a state mandated, system wide volunteer organization, our membership is open to parents (or guardians) of children with special needs, from preschool through high school, and anyone interested in special needs education in Georgetown. We are parents of children who each have unique conditions which affect how they learn in school; we share our experience and hope with each other. There are no dues or fees. The Georgetown PAC believes that informed parents are the best advocates for their children; therefore, we aim to help parents to become more informed.

What we do: All of us in the Georgetown PAC know how difficult it can be to learn that our child has a disability or struggles in a special way, more than their peers. We have found that it is helpful to explore the best solutions for our children in the company of others who have had similar experiences. At PAC meetings we seek to offer each other support, information, new ideas, & friendship. We also work together to build relationships with school administrators characterized by mutual respect, open dialog, and the common goal of helping our children.

Understanding the law: Special education is meant to meet the unique needs of a child that result from a disability, and to assure that students with disabilities receive all needed aids and services. Special education laws and regulations are meant to protect a student with disabilities and ensure that he or she gets the services and assistance that may be necessary to make effective progress. The laws and regulations are very complex. The Georgetown PAC seeks to facilitate a greater understanding of the key concepts of the law and how to be an effective participant in the special education process for parents.

Purpose of the PAC
1. The PAC fosters better understanding and communication between the staff, parents, administrators and the School Committee concerning all aspects of special education.
2. 2. The PAC serves as consultants, advisors and/or support persons to parents concerning all aspects of state and federal special education laws.
3. The PAC serves as advocates of equal educational opportunities for all children with special needs and their parents.
4. The PAC provides parental input into educational programs and policies
5. The PAC advises the School Committee on matters that pertain to the education, health and safety of students with special needs.
6. The PAC meets regularly with school officials for planning, development, and evaluation of the School Committee’s special education programs.
7 The PAC participates in the development and review of the special education programs(s) before submission to the state.
8 The PAC provides training and support for parents and other interested parties in all areas of special education.

PAC Board of Directors – Co-Chairs
Dianne Newton (Treasurer)…………………………………………………………………..978-352-2155
Pam Lundquist………………………………………………………………………………………978-352-5407

Rights Under 603 CMR 28.00 & Federal 504
1. You are an EQUAL member of the TEAM. Be confident of your abilities and your rights.
2. You have the right to equal participation in the developing and writing of your child’s IEP.
3. You have the right to accept or reject a proposed IEP within 30 school days.
4. You have the right to request special education services.
5. You have the right to an independent evaluation.
6. You have the right to have your child educated with his/her peers in the Least Restrictive Environment.
7. You have the right to request and receive all evaluation results at least two (2) days prior to a TEAM meeting.
8. You have the right to hire and advocate or an attorney.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fulfilling the Promise: 35th Anniversary of IDEA!

On November 29, 1975, President Gerald Ford signed into law the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Public Law 94-142). This week we celebrate the 35th anniversary of IDEA.

"Today, in America, we recognize that people with disabilities – like all people – have unique abilities, talents, and aptitudes. And that America is better, fairer, and richer when we make full use of those gifts.” - Senator Tom Harkin

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation; it governs special education programs. It was originally enacted by Congress in 1975, while President Gerald Ford was in office.

IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities.

From IDEA, we have brought educational tools to our children such as the right to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE), individualized education plans (IEPs), least restrictive environments (LRE), highly qualified teachers, scientifically based research, and many other directives and guidelines that enable school districts, parents and students to work together to put the highest standards of learning within reach! Children with disabilities have benefitted from specialized instruction and strategies, children without disabilities have benefitted from general education practices that recognize that every child has a unique learning style that should be recognized and taught to.

From Susan Bruce (see
Susan is the mother of three children with learning disabilities.
After spending years researching and learning about IDEA and about her children's disabilities, Susan has spent the last two years applying all she has learned. She's now a "force to be reckoned with" when advocating for children.
She is currently working for her state Parent and Training Information Center. She is the Region 3 Regional Education Coordinator for PRO*Parents of South Carolina, Inc.

Susan writes,
“In this year of the 35th anniversary of the Individuals with Disabilities Act, I am thankful.
• I am thankful this law allows me to advocate for better opportunities for my kids.
• I am thankful this law allows me to advocate for a more equitable education for my kids.
• I am thankful that my kids are on a high school diploma track. If not for the IDEA, they wouldn’t be.
• I am thankful for a journey, without which I would not have become what I am.
• Most of all, I am thankful for organizations like Wrightslaw and parent training and information centers who empower parents on a daily basis to do all this!

I want to challenge ALL parents of kids with disabilities to stand up and take action.
Utilize every possible resource. Make yourself an expert on your child and the IDEA. Create a better outcome for your kid. No one has more to lose than you do, with the exception of our kids.

I ask myself a thought-provoking question. I consider my journey and everything that brought me to this point in time. Did I, by not meeting my full potential, really reach my full potential? I am doing what I love. Perhaps, my full potential is to be gauged by my kids reaching theirs!”

For more information on IDEA, see

Monday, November 29, 2010

Check out a "Best PAC Website" winner!

Wow! What a great website for the Concord SPED PAC! Check out for DOE info, testing and evaluation, IEP’s, 504’s, team meeting preparation, conflict resolution, parent education, recommended books, specialized school programs, therapy methods, professional help, laws, local recreation (noted by Beth), and more! Not surprisingly, this site has won national recognition for “Best PAC website”!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Special Ed Advocate, an online newsletter

Wondering about special education and the law? Subscribe to The Special Ed Advocate, at , a free online newsletter about special education legal and advocacy topics. Learn about new cases, articles, seminars and training, special offers on books by Pete & Pam Wright, and other useful information about special education law and advocacy.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Meeting Announcement: Tuesday, Dec. 7th, 2010 7-9pm

Georgetown SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) Meeting
Welcome to the Georgetown PAC: An Informal Meet and Greet on Tuesday evening, December 7th, 7-9pm, in the Penn Brook Library! Please join us for our first meeting of the 2010-2011 school year. The Georgetown PAC provides informational resources, support and networking to parents of children with special needs from preschool through high school. We also work closely with the Georgetown Public School administration to advise and assist with the development of the best possible special education programs for our children. School administrators, including our Director of Special Education, David Dempsey, will be introducing themselves and sharing their philosophy and vision for special education, providing information on programs and services available for our children, and communicating the results of Georgetown’s DESE 2010 Program Review. Please come, introduce yourself and share with us how the Georgetown PAC can begin to help you to work with the schools to help and assist your special needs child. For more information, please contact Pam Lundquist, 978-352-5407. Also look for the Georgetown PAC on Facebook!